Mentions Légales

Ce site est édité par :

Side School

SAS au capital de 1500,00 euros

Adresse : 15 quai de l’Oise 75019 PARIS

SIRET : 927 613 950 000 17

Déclaration d’activité en tant qu’organisme de formation enregistrée sous le numéro 11755712375. Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l'Etat.

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Quality certification has been awarded for the following category of action: - Training activities

Based in Paris, France, Side School SAS trains professionals how to leverage AI in their jobs. Our offices are located at 15 Quai de L’Oise, 75019, Paris, France. Side School is a registered trademark. To access the programs you are enrolled in, you must provide a valid email address that you can access. Payments are processed with Stripe, a third-party platform. Paypal, Visa, MasterCard are also supported, along with other payment networks via Google Pay and Apple Pay. For payment-related issues, contact "". For any other questions, collaborations, and media inquiries, contact "". The content and services provided by Side School are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Side School does not guarantee any specific results. Your success and potential acceleration with AI depend on your personal efforts, dedication, and application of acquired skills.

Professional Networks



Quality certification has been awarded for the following category of action: - Training activities

Based in Paris, France, Side School SAS trains professionals how to leverage AI in their jobs. Our offices are located at 15 Quai de L’Oise, 75019, Paris, France. Side School is a registered trademark. To access the programs you are enrolled in, you must provide a valid email address that you can access. Payments are processed with Stripe, a third-party platform. Paypal, Visa, MasterCard are also supported, along with other payment networks via Google Pay and Apple Pay. For payment-related issues, contact "". For any other questions, collaborations, and media inquiries, contact "". The content and services provided by Side School are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Side School does not guarantee any specific results. Your success and potential acceleration with AI depend on your personal efforts, dedication, and application of acquired skills.

Professional Networks